These are some of the Halloween Gore projects I have done over the past few years.

Who knew you could make something look so horrifying with only tissue paper, cotton balls, spirit gum, wax, Laytex, and blood!

Staples in the NECK! Connor's neck was al ot of fun to do, it was one of my new gore makeup experiments!

Road rash anyone?

Corbin joked that he was the victim of a girl friend who didn't take the break up very well.... haha so men beware of the EX GIRLFRIEND!

It is a bit painful to take off! Corbins painful facial expressions and ripping at what looks like skin just makes me feel the Halloween Spirit all over! Luckily Corbin is a tough kid and loved the gore for Halloween and said it was well worth the pain
Connor is sporting a LARGE bullet wound.
Corbin is featuring a head wound with lots of glass shards protruding out. The great thing about head wounds is they bleed a lot so it makes it fun to look dramatic. (Of course real head wounds are great but you know what I mean!)
Ben Nye products are what I use for gore makeup. They are the best!
Cute little girl in our ward their family was over visiting for Halloween. So she took a picture with me...even through I think she was a bit terrified! This is kind of a funny one. I used lots of different titles as to what I was that night. Sometimes I was a dumb blonde, other times meyham, and others on the spot. It was quite fun!

Add some color to the skull instead of making it all black and white.

Fat lips, black eyes, skin falling off, and a bullet wound! Connor loved it. He told me the school pulled him out of class to get his photo for the year book. He was pumped!

Taking it off....can be a bit painful.
Here is gore shown in segments.
Phase 1

Now have fun with it by adding bruises, a black eye and messy hair.